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Session 6


This was to be the last session but we have had much more sharing, worship and prayer than I expected... This is a good thing! It will shape now how future interchange groups will operate. It's likely that they will be at least 10 weeks in length allowing for nights when some members are unable to attend. I will continue to update and post session outlines and materials. Articles, tweets, video and audio will be updated and it's my hope that the result will be a useful resource for worship musicians and leaders.

Session 6 began with worship and prayer and moved into covering some of the principles of our worship lives, our priorities, what we feed and make priorities and then a look into some of Paul's Top Ten for worship leaders. We didn't cover them all but I'm posting a link here with rough notes to bring some guidance. As ever I'm very happy to recieve mails, FB messages and the like with any questions.

Here comes the link:

Worship Top Ten Plus

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